Why Appendix removal by laparoscopy best for you

2 min readOct 18, 2023


The human body’s appendix is a muscular organ that is joined to the large intestine. Its name, “vermiform,” which means “worm-shaped,” comes from the Latin word for a small tube that resembles a worm. The appendix protrudes from the cecum, a pouch-like structure in the large intestine, at its lower end.


Your healthcare practitioner may utilize laparoscopy, a form of diagnostic surgical treatment, to examine your reproductive and abdominal organs within your body. The method of Appendix removal by laparoscopy can also be used to obtain tissue samples (biopsies) for analysis. Your abdomen is sliced open, and a narrow, telescope-like instrument called a laparoscope is inserted.

Appendix removal by laparoscopy

A Best laparoscopic surgeon accesses your appendix during a laparoscopic appendix removal by making a few tiny incisions in your belly. Your abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide using a cannula, which is a tiny, narrow tube. They can see your appendix more clearly thanks to the gas.

Your abdomen will be expanded by the laparoscopic surgeon before a laparoscope is inserted via the incision. A laparoscope is a lengthy, narrow tube that has a camera and a bright light at the front.

The surgeon can see within your abdomen thanks to the camera, which projects images onto a screen. Your appendix is cut out and stitched shut. Next, the tiny incisions are cleansed, stitched up, and dressed. Laparoscopic surgery typically has fewer risks and a shorter recovery time than open appendectomy. It may be the best option if you:

Ø don’t have any complications from appendicitis

Ø are older

Ø are pregnant

Ø are at risk of surgery complications

Ø have overweight or obesity

Why you choose us?

One of the well-known hospitals is Jindal Endo-Laparoscopy Hospital, which specializes in proctology procedures (PILES, FISSURE, FISTULA, and PLONIDAL SINUS), daycare procedures, general procedures, laparoscopic procedures, general procedures, urology procedures, plastic surgery procedures, cancer surgery procedures, and all types of endoscopic work. A group of doctors and nursing professionals that are highly skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable in their respective fields provide all of the therapies. For sophisticated laparoscopy, endoscopy, urology, and gastrointestinal procedures, our facility is the top choice. Since 22 years, Dr. Dinesh Jindal (MS, FMAS, FAIS) has been working with the most recent and cutting-edge technologies in the fields of basic and advanced laparoscopic surgery, endoscopic surgery (both therapeutic and diagnostic), urology, and gynecology.




Jindal Endo-Laparoscopy Hospital is one of the prominent hospitals engaged in laparoscopic surgeries, urology surgeries and all type of endoscopy surgeries